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01753 313000


01753 313010

WORK TIME: 08:30am-09:30pm
Saturday 09:00am-09:00pm
Sunday 09:00am-10:00pm

Health Advice

A good pharmacist offers more than a supply of medication, they are there for you when health advice is needed.

As a community pharmacy, we are pleased to offer professional health advice to Langley & Slough residents. Not just for the sake of advice but to achieve a solution.

Willow Pharmacy stock a wide range of over the counter medicines, vitamins, mineral supplements and baby care products. We aim to be your first port of call to treat minor ailments.

Where this is best for you, we can also refer you to another medical professional, such as a doctor.

Coughs, Colds & Flu

A common problem for all of us, one where managing symptoms is helpful for daily life and a speedy recovery.

An Upset Stomach

A term covering a multitude of symptoms and one where advice from a pharmacist is definitely recommended.

A Range Of Allergies

From hay fever to eczema and many more. An area you should seek advice on and one we are often able to treat.

Headache & Migraine

A bad headache can be debilitating, yet there are treatments available over the counter which offer real relief.

Warts or Verrucas

A verruca is a wart on the sole of your foot and as with all warts, they are contagious. We keep a variety of treatments.

Insect Bites & Stings

We may even be able to help you identify the source of the problem and in most cases, we offer safe, speedy relief.

Sprains or Strains

Suitable support, perhaps with oral medicine or ointment, to reduce pain and swelling, can bring noticeable benefit.

Mouth & Gum Ulcers

They can be painful and should be treated. Often by medication to reduce inflammation, or antimicrobial mouthwash.

Solving Constipation

Only if you suffer from constipation can you appreciate the problem. In most cases, we can provide a solution.

Head Lice (Nits)

Our pharmacist will be able to recommend an over the counter lotion or spray, or special combs to help detect and remove.

Fungal Infection

Athlete’s foot, vaginal thrush, ringworm, a fungal nail infection. They can all be treated with antifungal medication.

Pregnancy and Baby

From the early stages, to the first months of motherhood, the practical support of an experienced pharmacist helps.

Health Advice At Willow Pharmacy

As a community pharmacy in Langley, we want to bring real health benefit. With helpful Pharmacy Services

Advice In Private

Issues with your health often involve areas you would not wish to discuss in public. Our team fully appreciate this and a private room is available for consultations. If you remain at all concerned on this, before you come:
Contact Our Pharmacist 

Without Prejudice

Our pharmacists are Langley & Slough health professionals and should not be practicing unless treating all patients equally, regardless of gender, race, lifestyle. Neither will age make any difference, as you see from our:
Support For Residential Care  

Total Confidentiality

We never disclose confidential information without consent, unless required to do so by law, or in exceptional circumstances. Part of a code of ethics we respect greatly and one you may wish to read at the:
General Pharmaceutical Council  

Urgent Medical Help & Advice

Don’t waste your time, call:  01753 313000